Talk:Mod Troubleshooting

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Several of my mod's users have difficulties getting their mods to work (most commonly the problem ends up being mod conflicts), so I wanted to give them a place to go were they could run through some basic troubleshooting. I did some searching around on forums/wikis/Google and couldn't find any comprehensive mod troubleshooting guide. If I just missed it, please let me know and I'll redirect people there instead.

Also, I wanted to have this information available on a wiki so other devs/users can contribute - I hope this is an appropriate location.

--Brokunn 22:25, 21 March 2012 (EDT)

Hi there! Nice work on the article. I've added it to the Solutions category to improve its visibility.
shadeMe TALK 08:26, 23 March 2012 (EDT)
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