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Armor List[edit source]

This seems to be missing from the weapons tab. I wonder if it was moved somewhere else, or if there's a way to programmatically access it (e.g. TES5Edit). Jimhsu (talk) 2013-04-19T12:50:15 (EDT)

Flags[edit source]

Bound Weapon[edit source]

Having the flag, it removes the weapon from your inventory once you unequip or sheath it.
--Pronam 11:22, 12 February 2012 (EST)

Equip Type[edit source]

The Equip Type notation is really confusing, but here's what I've been able to find out about it based on my own research. It appears the Equip Type not only determines what hand(s) the weapon takes up, but also what slot it will attempt to go into when force-equipped by a script or equipped via hotkey. So far this is what it looks like based on my own testing:

BothHands - Weapon requires both hands, hotkey/force-equip puts weapon in both hands.
EitherHand - Weapon requires one hand, hotkey/force-equip puts weapon in whichever hand is free? Seems to be used for a few quest-specific weapons, most spells, and the Bound Sword, so probably lets it go into whichever hand is free, starting with the left.
LeftHand - Weapon requires one hand, hotkey/force-equip puts weapon in left hand. Not sure on this as no weapons actually use this, but I assume it's the opposite of RightHand.
Potion - Equips as a potion. No idea what happens if you use this, this seems to be a dummy slot that potions get "equipped" in to be used.
RightHand - Weapon requires one hand, hotkey/force-equip puts weapon in right hand.
Shield - Equips as a shield. Again, no weapons actually use this, but presumably It causes the weapon to equip in the left hand always, and take up the shield slot.
Voice - Equips as a voice. This is normally used for spells, to tell them to equip in the greater power/voice slot. No idea on this one.

This is what I've been able to glean so far. Further testing is required. --Warrior 7 22:44, 17 February 2012 (EST)

Game Data Tab[edit source]

Can someone provide the missing information about "resist" in the Game Data Tab ? I guess it suggests that those targets that are resistant to what is selected will "resist" the weapon's damage. Am I right? --HawkFest 20:56, 6 March 2012 (EST)

I'm not sure what the "DamageResist" option does, but I tried setting a weapon to "FireResist" and it would no longer damage Flame Atronachs, which are immune to fire. —Vinifera7 11:03, 10 May 2012 (EDT)

Art and sound tab[edit source]

Under "Animation", it says: Don't Use 1st (3rd) Person IS Animations: Check to keep the weapon from using iron sights animations in 1st (3rd) person mode. Ok, but what are « iron sights animations » ? --HawkFest 23:28, 6 March 2012 (EST)