TempClone - Form

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SKSE Member of: Form Script

Creates a temporary clone of this form. (This function requires SKSE)

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Form Function TempClone() native

Parameters[edit | edit source]


Return Value[edit | edit source]

Returns a new Form type that is a clone of the Form it was called on.

Examples[edit | edit source]

   ActorBase banditBase = SomeBandit.GetActorBase()
   Form csForm = banditBase.GetCombatStyle() as Form
   CombatStyle newCS = csForm.TempClone() as CombatStyle
   newCS.SetMeleeMult(0.1) ;reduce preference for melee attacks
   newCS.SetMagicMult(2.5) ;increase preference for magic attacks

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The clone will only exist for the current play session. Attempting to store the cloned Form in a variable for longer periods of time will not work, and may lead to game instability when your script attempts to access the form after a game reload.
  • This does not work on all types - you may get back a valid form with initialized default data rather than data copied from the source.
  • TempClone does work for cloning CombatStyle Forms.