Casting Type

All Spells, Enchantments, Potions, and Scrolls have a Casting Type, which must match the Casting Type of the Magic Effects in their Effects list. The casting types are defined as follows:

  • Constant Effect [0] - These spells are always active (like Racial Abilities), or start and end based on a specific action (like equipping enchanted armor).
  • Fire and Forget [1] - These spells are cast once, and end when their duration expires or the target somehow dispels the spell.
    • 'Instant' effects, such as most Powers and Potions, use the Fire and Forget Casting Type.
  • Concentration [2] - The caster of the spell must maintain the spell. The spell starts when the actor casts it, and ends when the caster deliberately stops casting it, runs out of magicka, or is otherwise interrupted.

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