
A Leveled Item is a list that will generate one or more items based on the current level of the player. Leveled Item objects cannot be placed in the world directly. To use them, add them to a Container, or use the LeveledItem tab on an item reference to replace the reference with the item generated by the leveled list (Dummy Objects are most often used for this purpose).


Leveled Item DialogEdit

Leveled Item Form DataEdit

  • ID: The Form ID of the object.
  • Calculate from all levels <= PC's level: If checked, the level list will use any item at or below the player's level in the list. If not checked, it uses the closest item or items to the player's level, but not exceeding it.
  • Calculate for each item in count: If this list is in another leveled list with a count greater than zero, this check box determines if each item in the count is the same, or is recalculated.
  • Use All: Mutually exclusive with the previous two selections, Use All causes the list to always return all of its contents.
  • Special Loot: Whether to select items from this list using the Special Loot formula.
  • Chance None: The chance that the leveled list will not produce an item at all. This chance can be supplied either as a fixed percentage or as a value in a Global.

Leveled Item ListEdit

For each item in the list, this form indicates:

  • Object: The Form ID of the item.
  • Level: The selected item's associated level. This level is used in the conjunction with the Encounter Zone, the player's level, and the check boxes to determine what creature the list will produce.
  • Count: The number of items to generate when this entry in the list is selected. Often used with bundle items (like arrows).
  • Health: Not used by most items. For weapons and armor, 100 or less equals normal, 110 Fine, 120 Superior, 130 Exquisite, 140 Flawless, 150 Epic, and 160-200 Legendary.
  • Owner: The owner of the object, overriding ownership by the container or actor.
  • Preview Calculated Result: Given a Preview Level and Preview Count, generates sample output from this list.


Special Loot formulaEdit

The special loot formula modifies the level that is tested against a leveled list and its entries' level requirements. The formula is below ("Used Level" is the result). Game setting names have been abbreviated ("fSpecialLoot" -> "gs").


Sometimes, leveled lists are told to compute their contents based on the player's level; other times, they're told to compute based on the level of an encounter zone (though they will use the player's level instead if that's higher). In the special loot formula above, the "Input Level" is whatever level the leveled list was asked to compute against. This is not consistent within the game engine; it depends on the context in which the leveled list is being used. Known cases include:

  • If the player is harvesting a Flora and the ingredient is a LeveledItem, then the input level is the player's exact level.
  • If an actor has just died (or starts dead) and their death item is a LeveledItem, then the input level is the actor's exact level.
  • If the leveled list is the argument to AttachAshPile - Actor, then the input level is the actor's exact level.
  • Otherwise, the encounter level is usually an ObjectReference's encounter level. A ref's encounter level is either the player's level (if that's higher) or the level of its containing Encounter Zone, unless it either isn't in a zone or is in the hardcoded NoZoneZone, in which case the encounter level is always the player's level. The encounter level is additionally modified by the iCalcLevelAdjustUp and iCalcLevelAdjustDown game settings.
    • If the leveled list is the base form used for any variation on "PlaceAtMe" (e.g. the console command; the Papyrus function), then the encounter level of the basis ref (the "me" in "place at me") is used.

Language: English  • 日本語