GetParentCell - ObjectReference
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Member of: ObjectReference Script
Obtains the Cell this object is currently in.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Cell Function GetParentCell() native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
Return Value[edit | edit source]
The Cell the object is currently in.
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Is this object and the player in the same cell?
if (PinkPony.GetParentCell() == Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell())
Debug.Trace("We are in the same cell with the pink pony")
Notes[edit | edit source]
- If the reference is in an unloaded exterior cell, this function will return None.
- Non-respawning preplaced items can be "destroyed" if you take them, sell them, and wait for the merchant's inventory to reset. Reportedly, when these references are destroyed, their parent cell is reset to their original spawn location.