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Returns a value based on the actor's current sitting state:
- 0 - Not sitting
- 1 - Loading sitting idle
- 2 - Getting ready to sit
- 3 - Is sitting
- 4 - Getting ready to stand up
- 11 - Loading horse mount idle
- 12 - Getting ready to mount
- 13 - Is sitting on horse
- 14 - Getting ready to dismount
NOTE: This function will not return 1 or 11 if used on the player.
Bugs[edit | edit source]
This condition function may not always return 11 through 14, and its Papyrus companion GetSitState - Actor returns only 0 through 4. As of version 1.6, other condition functions for determining mount state were added instead.
Notes[edit | edit source]
GetSitting will never return 1 if an actor is sleeping in a bed or leaning on a wall. If you want to check whether an NPC (or the player) has entered a piece of furniture, and is currently in the Idle-animation state of this furniture, use IsInFurnitureState.