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Miscellaneous items are objects than can be placed in the player's inventory, but do not otherwise have a function. They react to Havok physics, have a value and a weight, but are otherwise inert.

Their property type is MiscObject.


MiscItem Dialog[edit | edit source]

  • (See fields common to many Item windows)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The way a model behaves in the world is a function of its havok data. Models that were created for static objects aren't intended to move and as a result, may not have havok data. If you select such a model, when the player drops the item from their inventory, it will hang in mid-air (it has no mass to make it fall). You will need to copy the model and fill-in the havok data before it will behave correctly.
  • MiscItems have a Papyrus script type called MiscObject. However, you should only apply scripts that extend ObjectReference to a MiscItem, as scripts are only attached to individual items that exist in the game world. If you do apply a MiscObject-based script to a MiscItem, then when that item spawns in the game world, the script will fail to run, and an error will be printed to the Papyrus log.

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