SetFogColor - Cell
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Member of: Cell Script
Sets the near and far fog colors for this cell. Only works in non-sky-lit interiors.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function SetFogColor(int aiNearRed, int aiNearGreen, int aiNearBlue, \
int aiFarRed, int aiFarGreen, int aiFarBlue) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- aiNearRed: The red component of the near color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
- aiNearGreen: The green component of the near color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
- aiNearBlue: The blue component of the near color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
- aiFarRed: The red component of the far color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
- aiFarGreen: The green component of the far color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
- aiFarBlue: The blue component of the far color, 0-255. (Clipped to 0 and 255 if above or below the values)
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Give this cell fog with a red near color, and a blue far color
FoggyCell.SetFogColor(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Cells can be configured to inherit lighting properties from a "lighting template." If a cell inherits its fog colors, then this function will have no visible effect. Data is being changed — cells have their own lighting data even if they use a template — but the cell prefers the template-side data over the cell-side data.
- This function modifies the cell data in memory. Changes do not persist in the savegame, but are also not reverted when quitting to the main menu, starting a new game, or loading a different save file.