Difference between revisions of "Bethesda Tutorial Encounters"

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Changed grammar from "an LvlWarlockFire" to "a LvlWarlockFire"
m (Changed grammar from "an LvlWarlockFire" to "a LvlWarlockFire")
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{{InDepth|Enc Actors with 'Template' in them (ex.EncBandit00Template) and anything that looks like it's part of a long list (ex. EncBandit01Melee1HImperialF) typically shouldn't be placed in your level.  These types of Enc actors are used to form Leveled Lists and should instead be placed as such (ex. LvlBanditMelee1H, or LvlBanditMeleeAny).}}
{{InDepth|Enc Actors with 'Template' in them (ex.EncBandit00Template) and anything that looks like it's part of a long list (ex. EncBandit01Melee1HImperialF) typically shouldn't be placed in your level.  These types of Enc actors are used to form Leveled Lists and should instead be placed as such (ex. LvlBanditMelee1H, or LvlBanditMeleeAny).}}

Let's place our first encounter in Lokir's Tomb. Select an '''LvlWarlockFire''' and drag it into the second room.  With that placed in your level, save your plugin and test it in-game. You'll notice a Warlock that uses Fire Spells.  You may also notice (or not) that the Warlock will simply stand around until detecting an enemy.  Let's do something about that.
Let's place our first encounter in Lokir's Tomb. Select a '''LvlWarlockFire''' and drag it into the second room.  With that placed in your level, save your plugin and test it in-game. You'll notice a Warlock that uses Fire Spells.  You may also notice (or not) that the Warlock will simply stand around until detecting an enemy.  Let's do something about that.

{{WarningBox|Try to avoid placing enemies where they will attack the player as soon as he loads in.  Bethesda calls this the "Sandwich Rule."  It's best to assume that the player's attention will drift at every load screen - and may set the controller down, daydream, or go to get a sandwich. Observing the sandwich rule means that the player determines when to re-engage.}}
{{WarningBox|Try to avoid placing enemies where they will attack the player as soon as he loads in.  Bethesda calls this the "Sandwich Rule."  It's best to assume that the player's attention will drift at every load screen - and may set the controller down, daydream, or go to get a sandwich. Observing the sandwich rule means that the player determines when to re-engage.}}

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