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[[image:ObjWindowEncLvl.jpg|right|thumb|300px|<b>Fig. 5.1:</b> Object Window での Enc/Lvl の場所]]
[[image:ObjWindowEncLvl.jpg|right|thumb|300px|<b>Fig. 5.1:</b> Object Window での Enc/Lvl の場所]]

There are two basic types of encounter NPCs at your disposal - ENC and LVL.  You can find both actor types under the "'''Actors > Actor'''" section in the '''Object Window''' and then filtering for '''Enc''' or '''Lvl'''".
戦闘 NPC には2種類の基本的なタイプ(ENC と LVL)があり自由に選択できます。2つのアクタータイプは、'''Object Window''' "'''Actors > Actor'''" セクションに両方共あります。もしくは '''Enc''' '''Lvl'''" でフィルターしても構いません。

''Leveled'' actors (Prefixed "Lvl") contain information telling the game what to spawn based on the players level.  For example, ''LvlBanditMelee2H'' will spawn a Bandit with a 2-Handed weapon.  You don't know if they will be male/female, or use a War Hammer, Battleaxe, or Great Sword.  Those details are randomized.
''Leveled'' アクター(接頭詞が "Lvl" のもの)は、プレイヤーのレベルに応じて何を発生させるのが友好なのかをゲームに伝える情報を持っています。
例えば''LvlBanditMelee2H'' は、両手持ち武器の山賊を発生させます。男性/女性や、使う武器が戦鎚なのか両手斧なのかグレートソードなのかなどはわかりません。詳細はランダムです。

''Encounter'' actors (prefixed "Enc") are non-randomized characters and creatures that typically populate Leveled Lists (''EncBandit01Melee1HImperialF01/02/03/etc...''). For example, if you need a Skeever you'd just simply place an ''EncSkeever'' actor.  You always know that this placed reference will spawn a Skeever when you enter the level.  This is also the way you'd place something like a ''EncFox'', ''EncDeer'', or ''EncSabreCat''.  
''Encounter'' actors (prefixed "Enc") are non-randomized characters and creatures that typically populate Leveled Lists (''EncBandit01Melee1HImperialF01/02/03/etc...''). For example, if you need a Skeever you'd just simply place an ''EncSkeever'' actor.  You always know that this placed reference will spawn a Skeever when you enter the level.  This is also the way you'd place something like a ''EncFox'', ''EncDeer'', or ''EncSabreCat''.  
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