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The [[Default_Master_Package|Default Master Package]] is a customized set of procedures that allows most Actors to path to patrol points, follow another actor, or guard a specific location.  
The [[Default_Master_Package|Default Master Package]] is a customized set of procedures that allows most Actors to path to patrol points, follow another actor, or guard a specific location.  

One of the most basic things to do with an actor in a dungeon is to put it on a patrol.  Like most ''lvl'' actors, LvlWarlock uses the [[Default_Master_Package|Default Master Package]], so setting up a patrol is trivial.  If you don't already have a '''CraftingAlchemyWorkbench''' or '''CraftingAlchemyWorkbenchTabletop''' in this room, then go ahead and place one there now, or any other type of furniture you want - it doesn't ''have'' to be an Alchemy Table.  We're going to set the Warlock up to use the furniture.
ダンジョン内のアクターにそれをするための最も簡単な方法は、パトロールをさせることです。'lvl' アクターの多く、LvlWarlock は [[Default_Master_Package|Default Master Package]] を使っているため、パトロールの設定はとても簡単です。もしまだ '''CraftingAlchemyWorkbench''' もしくは '''CraftingAlchemyWorkbenchTabletop''' を部屋に用意していないのであればまず置いてください、もしくは他の備品でも構いません。 - それは錬金術テーブル「である必要はありません」、私達は何らかの備品を使用するよう魔法使いを設定するつもりでいます。

# Double-Click the Warlock and click on the '''Linked Ref''' tab. (''Fig 5.2'')
# Double-Click the Warlock and click on the '''Linked Ref''' tab. (''Fig 5.2'')
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