Talk:Additional Prefabs
There can be significant problems copying items from the warehouses (or any other cell, for that matter) and pasting them in your modded interior or exterior cells. Dirty edits in the warehouse cells would be the least of your worries. I have had entire groups of linked ref items and activators reverse transport themselves into the warehouse cell.
For this reason, I personally recommend that the warehouses be used as an area to study the relationships and items used to create effects and prefab items. I do this in the CK without my mod selected as the active file, and then after I have noted the items and tabs used, I note that down somewhere, and exit out without saving. Then I can select the items from the object window and implement them in my mod later without fear of some catastrophic error occurring. --Shalani (talk) 14:56, 7 July 2012 (EDT)
Update to above. I have seen some mention a work-around is to duplicate the items that you want to copy; drag the duplicates into the void; copy the duplicates by selecting them and using control copy or other technique; and, delete the duplicates before leaving the cell. This should preserve the links among the pre-fab items, without corrupting and confusing the reference / master object IDs. I have not personally tried this, as I prefer to just study the items as listed above, but this method seems like an alternative that others may want to comment on or modify here based on their experience. --Shalani (talk) 09:00, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
Also left out on the barred door prefab tutorial is the fact that in order for the bar to work properly, you must go to the scripts tab on the bar and look at its script properties. One of the variables must be set correctly, or the bar message won't show, and the door won't be barred. The door must be link ref to the bar and the bar must be link ref to the door. --Shalani (talk) 09:00, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
As mentioned above, dirty edits in the warehouses is a potential problem. Duplicating the item and then copy/cut/paste reduces the risk but one can always inadvertently move or rotate an object. Fortunately, whatever the dirty edit in the warehouse, one can always get rid of it by going to menu "Open", highlighting the mod, clicking "Details", highlighting the dirty edit (e.g. the warehouse cell), hitting the delete key and then OK. This will open the mod without the dirty edit in it. Now just save it and you're done.
--Antono (talk) 2014-04-08T05:04:06 (EDT)
The removable sconces do not work properly by following just the steps on the wiki. The sconce's script (RemovableTorchSconce01Script) has to be compiled and its properties have to be auto-filled in the CK. Otherwise, they are buggy when setup as "starts empty" with their light disabled at start. I have confirmed this on my setup, plus the game comes with just the uncompiled (.psc) version of the script, without the .pex version. Further confirmation by another player would be welcome, so I can either delete this comment or add it to the wiki. --Antono (talk) 2014-04-08T05:04:06 (EDT)
- Yeah. The reverse transport issue can be quickly dealt with in Xedit. For me, the only functioning activators in WarehousePrefabs are on the north facing wall.--Lmstearn (talk) 2014-12-25T21:29:39 (EST)