ActorBase Script
Extends: Form Script
Script for the manipulation of actor base objects. [[Actor Script|Actors are references of this.
ScriptName ActorBase extends Form
Global Functions
Member Functions
Class GetClass()
- Returns this actor's class.
Int GetDeadCount()
- Returns the number of actors that have this base that are dead.
FormList GetGiftFilter()
- Returns this actor's formlist of keywords to use as a gift filter.
Race GetRace()
- Returns this actor's race.
Int GetSex()
- Returns this actor's sex.
Bool IsEssential()
- Returns if this actor is flagged as essential or not.
Bool IsInvulnerable()
- Returns if this actor is flagged as invulnerable or not.
Bool IsProtected()
- Returns if this actor is flagged as protected or not.
Bool IsUnique()
- Returns if this actor is flagged as unique.
SetEssential(Bool abEssential)
- Flags this actor as essential or not. An actor cannot both be protected and essential.
SetInvulnerable(Bool abInvulnerable)
- Flags this actor as invulnerable or not.
SetProtected(Bool abProtected)
- Flags this actor as protected or not. An actor cannot both be protected and essential.
SetOutfit(Outfit akOutfit, Bool abSleepOutfit)
- Change the default or sleep outfit. Art will be loaded next time this actor is loaded.
SKSE Member Functions
CombatStyle GetCombatStyle()
- Returns the combat style of this actor.
SetCombatStyle(CombatStyle cs)
- Sets the combat style of this actor.
Outfit GetOutfit(Bool bSleepOutfit)
- Returns the default or sleep outfit of this actor.
SetClass(Class c)
- Changes the class of this actor.
Float GetHeight()
- Returns the height of this actor.
SetHeight(Float height)
- Sets the height of this actor to the specified amount.
Float GetWeight()
- Returns the weight of this actor.
SetWeight(Float weight)
- Changes the weight of this actor.
Int GetNumHeadParts()
- Returns the number of head parts of this actor.
HeadPart GetNthHeadPart(Int slotPart)
- Returns the specified head part of this actor.
SetNthHeadPart(HeadPart headPart, Int slotPart)
- Changes the specified head part of this actor.
Int GetIndexOfHeadPartByType(Int type)
- Returns the Index of the specified type.
Int GetNumOverlayHeadParts()
- Returns the number of overlay head parts of this actor. (Note: all overlay HeadPart functions are read only they are for accessing the HeadPart list when the ActorBase's Race has been overlayed with another race)
HeadPart GetNthOverlayHeadPart(Int slotPart)
- Returns the specified overlay head part of this actor.
Int GetIndexOfOverlayHeadPartByType(Int type)
- Returns the Index of the specified type.
Float GetFaceMorph(Int index)
- Returns the specified head morph value of this actor.
SetFaceMorph(Float value, Int index)
- Changes the specified face morph value of this actor.
Int GetFacePreset(Int index)
- Returns the face preset of this actor.
SetFacePreset(Int value, Int index)
- Changes the face preset of this actor.
ColorForm GetHairColor()
- Returns the ColorForm of this actor's hair.
SetHairColor(ColorForm color)
- Changes the ColorForm of this actor's hair.
Int GetSpellCount()
- Returns the number of spells defined in the base actor form.
Spell GetNthSpell(Int n)
- Returns the specified spell defined in the base actor form.
TextureSet GetFaceTextureSet()
- Returns the face TextureSet of the actor.
SetFaceTextureSet(TextureSet textures)
- Sets the face TextureSet of the actor.
VoiceType GetVoiceType()
- Returns the Actor's voicetype.
SetVoiceType(VoiceType nVoice)
- Sets the Actor's voicetype.
Armor GetSkin()
- Returns the skin of the actorbase.
SetSkin(Armor skin)
- Sets the skin of the actorbase.
Armor GetSkinFar()
- Returns the far away skin of the actorbase.
SetSkinFar(Armor skin)
- Sets the far away skin of the actorbase.
ActorBase GetTemplate()
- Returns the root template of the actorbase.
- Any changes made to a leveled actor's leveled (or 'temporary') base will be lost when the actor re-levels.
- Any changes made to a leveled actor's non-leveled (or editor) base will not show up on the actor until the actor re-levels.
- Most SKSE "Set" functions performed on an ActorBase will not persist across gaming sessions. If you want a scripted change for a particular Actor to persist, you will need to implement the change via the OnPlayerLoadGame() event or a similar mechanism.