GetCombatStyle - ActorBase
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SKSE Member of: ActorBase Script
Get the combat style of this actor. (This function requires SKSE)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
CombatStyle Function GetCombatStyle() native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Returns the ActorBase's combat style
Notes[edit | edit source]
- SKSE does not provide CombatStyle properties as of yet, you may need to use formlists
Examples[edit | edit source]
FormList Property OneHandList Auto
ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
if OneHandList.HasForm(pActorBase.GetCombatStyle())
Debug.MessageBox("Woaw, player, you're really good with one hand")
FormList Property CombatStyleList Auto
Int Property Onehand = 0 Auto
Int Property TwoHands = 1 Auto
; etc
ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
if pActorBase.GetCombatStyle() == (CombatStyleList.GetAt(OneHand) as CombatStyle)
; player's combat style is one hand
elseif pActorBase.GetCombatStyle() == (CombatStyleList.GetAt(TwoHands) as CombatStyle)
; etc...