SetCombatStyle - ActorBase
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SKSE Member of: ActorBase Script
Set the combat style of this actor. (This function requires SKSE)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function SetCombatStyle(combatstyle cs) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- combatstyle: the combat style we choose for this actorbase.
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- This is a function performed on an ActorBase, meaning all Actors derived from this will have this combat style.
- SKSE does not provide CombatStyle properties as of yet. You'll have to put the combat style in a FormList, then cast it to a CombatStyle.
- Combat Styles are locked for the duration of combat, if an Actor is in combat when this is called their combat style will not change.
Examples[edit | edit source]
FormList Property List Auto
ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
pActorBase.SetCombatStyle(List.GetAt(1) as CombatStyle)