
Revision as of 23:14, 19 October 2017 by imported>Kauyon

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Weather Object

Weather objects are found in the Object Window under WorldData.

To create a new Weather, right-click in the list of Weathers in the Object Window and select "new" from the popup. To create a new Weather based off an existing one, right-click the Weather you wish to use as a basis and select "duplicate". To delete an existing Weather, right-click that Weather and select delete.

Weather Dialog



The editor ID of the Weather Object.

Note: The ID field of the Weather dialog does not save properly. To name your weather, edit the name using the Object window (left-click).

Show Color In Render Window

General Tab


  • Ambient: An underlying color for the scene.
  • Cloud Layer: Color of the cloud texture currently selected in the "Cloud Textures" section.
  • Cloud LOD Ambient:
  • Cloud LOD Diffuse:
  • Effect Lighting: The color used for object reference External Emittance which is determined by the active weather in a Region.
  • Fog Far/Near: Fog color. This also adjusts the color of water reflections.
  • Horizon: The color of the sky at the horizon.
  • Moon Glare:
  • Sky Statics: The color of the static cloud objects that can be placed independently in the render window.
  • Sky-Lower/Upper: The color of the sky at lower and upper levels. (horizon color blends into lower sky color and lower sky blends into upper sky color)
  • Stars: The color of the stars.
  • Sun: The color of the sun disc.
  • Sun Glare:
  • Sunlight: The color of the sunlight. This is the directional light color for the scene.
  • Water Multiplier:


  • Day: The color of the specified component during the daytime.
  • Night: The color of the specified component at nighttime.
  • Sunrise: The color of the specified component at sunrise.
  • Sunset: The color of the specified component at sunset. (see Climate pageon how to define these times of day)


Enter specific RGB values or press "Select Color" and use the color picker.


Choose an ImageSpace from the drop down list that is used the weather type.


Fog Distance Day/Night

Specify near and far clip planes for fog during different times of day. These also effect how water reflects the fog color.

  • Near/Far:
  • Pow:
  • Max:

Cloud Textures

Click "Edit" to choose a cloud texture (.dds) for current layer.

  • Layer:Selects which cloud layer to make changes to.
    • Layer 0: Layer for "upper" cloud textures. Works with "CloudsUpper01_d", "CloudsUpper02_d", "SkyrimCloudsUpper01", and "SkyrimCloudsUpper02".
    • Layer 1: Used for "upper" cloud textures as well. Works with the same textures as Layer 0, but they actual clouds appear in different positions in the sky.
    • Layer 2: Only works with "CloudsLower04_d" and "SkyrimCloudsLower04".
  • Disabled:
  • Cloud Speed: Selects the speed the clouds move on the current layer.
  • Alpha:

Wind Direction

Wind Dir Range

Wind Speed

How windy it is. Affects cloud and tree movement.

Trans Delta

In game hours, how long it takes to fully transition into this weather type once a transition begins.

Sun Glare

How much glare there is around the sun disc.

Sun Damage

How much damage the sun does to vampires during daytime hours.

Direction Ambient Tab

Choose from Day, Night, Sunrise, and Sunset.

Set From Ambient





  • Enter specific RGB values or press "Select Color" and use the color picker.
  • Fresnel Power:

Precipitation Tab


  • Choose a Shader Particle Geometry from the drop down to be used as the precipitation model (.nif).
  • Begin Fade In: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition into this weather type when particles will begin to enter the scene.
    • Example: A value of 0.8 means that you will begin seeing precipitation particles after this weather is 80% transitioned in.
  • End Fade Out: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition out of this weather type when particles will no longer appear in the scene.
    • Example: A value of 0.2 means that you will no longer see precipitation once a transition out of this weather type into another one is 20% complete.


  • Begin Fade In: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition into this weather type when particles will begin to enter the scene.
    • Example: A value of 0.8 means that you will begin seeing precipitation particles after this weather is 80% transitioned in.
  • End Fade Out: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition out of this weather type when particles will no longer appear in the scene.
    • Example: A value of 0.2 means that you will no longer see precipitation once a transition out of this weather type into another one is 20% complete.
  • Frequency: Slider determines how frequently you will see thunder/lightning.

Weather Classification

Choose the appropriate classification for this weather type. This will affect things such as water surfaces, NPC dialogue, and other game logic.

  • Pleasant:
  • Cloudy:
  • Rainy:
  • Snow:
  • None:

Lightning Color

Choose a color for lightning flashes. (Enter specific RGB values or press "Select Color" and use the color picker.)

Sound Tab

Drag and drop sounds from the Object Window into this list. Double-click a sound to toggle its type.

  • The list box defines every sound associated with this weather type.
  • Wind and precipitation sounds play as looping sounds while thunder sounds will play as a one-time sound when a lightning strike is initiated by the system.
  • To delete a sound, right-click the sound and select delete.

Effects Tab

Visual Effect

Choose a Visual Effect from the drop down list.

  • Begin Effect:
  • End Effect:

Sky Statics