- Enchanting: The enchantment attached to this weapon.
- Enchantment: The size of the enchantment. A grand soul gem provides an enchantment of 3000.
- Value: The base value in gold of the item. The value of the enchantment is added to this.
- Template: If this field is filled, all values except name, enchanting, enchantment, value and scripts are derived from the templated object.
- Skill: The skill associated to this weapon.
- Equip Type: Which hands are needed to wield this weapon.
- Damage per second: Calculated value.
- Description: Not displayed in the game.
- Keywords: Keywords associated with this weapon
- Scripts: Scripts attached to this weapon.
- NPCs Use Ammo: Normally NPCs do not use up ammo in their inventory. Checking this box will override that for this weapon only.
- Ignores Normal Weapon Resistance: No longer used.
- Automatic: Not applicable.
- Can't Drop: Weapon cannot be disarmed and does not fall off when actor dies. Usually reserved for weapons that are mounted into the actor or armor.
- Not Used In Normal Combat: Prevents NPCs from using the weapon unless specified in the use weapons package.
- Non-hostile: An actor that is hit by this weapon does not consider it to be an actor aggression, and it does not force combat.
- No Jam After Reload: Not applicable.
- Minor Crime: Check to make attacking an NPC with this weapon a minor crime (as opposed to assault, a major crime).
- Hide Backpack: Makes the weapon invisible while it is sheathed. The weapon is only visible while it is drawn and held in one or both hands.
- Playable: Player can see it in another actors inventory. If not marked, the weapon is invisible to the player and cannot be used.
- Player Only: NPCs will not use this weapon. They will not pick it up either.
- Bound Weapon: Available for use in the bound weapon magic effect.
Game Data TabEdit
- Weight: The weight of the object.
- Reach: For melee weapons, this is a multiplier used in the reach formula: fCombatDistance * NPCScale * WeaponReach (where fCombatDistance is a gamesetting).
- Sight FOV: The angle of view when using Iron Sights. Done by zooming in.
- Crit Dmg: How much extra damage the weapon does on a critical hit. This is not a multiplier. It's added damage. Additionally, this damage is added after armor, effectively making it bypass the target's armor.
- Crit Effect: The "spell" that is applied to the target on a critical hit. Must have ONLY self-targeted effects.
- On Death: If checked, critical effect is only applied when the target is killed.
- Damage: Damage this weapon does.
- # Projectiles: Number of projectiles per single ammo object.
- Base VATS To-Hit Chance: Not applicable.
- Crit % Mult: Modifier to actor's critical chance derived attribute. Usually set to one. If set to zero, the weapon will not cause critical hits.
- Stagger: Amount of stagger applied on a hit. A 1.0 value plays the full stagger animation. Stagger can be reduced by a variety of factors, so a value above 1.0 does have meaning.
- On Hit - Normal formula behavior: The default formula alone is used.
- Min Range: Tells combat AI they don't need to be closer than this value.
- Max Range: Tells combat AI they don't want to be any further away than this value.
- Range Is Fixed Tells the combat AI not to use combat style multipliers for this weapon.
Embedded Weapon:Edit
Checked if the weapon is a built in part of the creature. Not used in Skyrim.
- Node: Node that the weapon is attached to.
- Actor Value: The condition value affected when the weapon is targetted.
Art and Sound TabEdit
- Inventory image:The image the weapon is identified with in inventory.
- Message Icon:The icon that appears on aquiring the weapon.
- Projectile: The projectile object used by the weapon, found in the Miscellaneous list.
- Impact Data Set: Determines how this weapon affects different material types.
- Reload Anim: The animation object used for reloading this weapon.
- Hand Grip: Determines the type of hand grip used for this weapon.
- Attack Anim: The firing animation used for this weapon.
- Shell Casing: The name of the file used for the 3D model of the shell casing expended by this weapon.
- Attack Sound: The sound made by this weapon when it is fired.
- Attack Sound (First Person): Determines the sound file used in first person attacks with this weapon.
- Attack Fail (No Ammo/Melee Miss) The sound made by this weapon when it runs out of ammunition or misses.
- Animation Type: Determines the type of animations the wielder of this weapon will use.
- Detection Sound Level: Volume of weapon as it is fired.
- Add Destruction Data: Used to define what the weapon will look like when it's damaged.
- Pickup Sound: Sound file played on picking up the weapon
- Putdown Sound: Sound file played when the weapon is put down.
- Model: The model used for this weapon when it appears in the world or in use by NPCs.
- 1st Person Model Object: The weapon model object used for this weapon for the first person perspective.
- Armor List: Used when a weapon requires skin geometry (i.e. WeapPowerFist).
- World Model: Used to differentiate between the world model and the model used by npcs.
- Multiplier: Speeds up or slows down the weapon's animation speeds.
- Attack Multiplier: Speeds up or slows down just the attack animations.
- Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations: Check to keep the weapon from using iron sights animations in 1st person mode.
- Don't Use 3rd Person IS Animations: Check to keep the weapon from using iron sights animations in 3rd person mode.
- Attack Shots/Sec:How many shots
- Reload Time:How many reload animations can play per sec.
- Jam Time:How many Jam animations can to play.
Has Scope:Edit
The weapon can zoom in on a target in iron sights mode.
- Target NIF: The file name of the overlay effect.
- Effect: The effect shader applied to the target or the view when the scope is used.
Rumble TabEdit
- Left motor strength: Sets the rumble strength for the left side of the controller.
- Right motor strength: Sets the rumble strength for the right side of the controller.
- Duration: Sets the duration for the controller to rumble.
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