Quest Data Tab
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- ID: Mandatory. The quest ID as it will appear in the object window.
- Quest Name: The name of the quest as it will appear in the player's quest list.
- Quests of Type "Miscellaneous" will never display their quest name and so don't need one.
- Quests which have no objectives also will never display their quest name anywhere and don't need a Quest Name.
- Priority: Dialogue is assigned by priority. The dialogue for higher priority quests will take precedence over the dialogue of lower priority quests, in cases where the dialogue "stacks" (shared topic types, or blocking/exclusive branches). Aliases are also affected by priority. A quest with low priority will give way to another quest's aliases with higher priority.
- Event: Any quest which specifies an Event can only be started by the Story Manager ("Start Game Enabled" will be greyed out). Quests which have no Event are started "manually", by calling Start, SetStage, or SetObjectiveDisplayed.
- Start Game Enabled: This option is only available for quests with no triggering Event. If this box is checked, the quest starts running at the beginning of the game. Otherwise, it will not start running until the Start, SetStage, or SetObjectiveDisplayed commands are used.
- Start Game Enabled quests automatically grey out the option for their aliases to "Allow Reserved." However, for Start Game Enabled quests added to a pre-existing save, this may still need to be ticked to avoid problems. To set this flag on a Start Game Enabled quest alias, highlight the alias's line in the alias list window and press CTRL-SHIFT-R to tick the flag.
Important! As of 1.7 the game uses SEQ files in order to track Start-Game Enabled quests you've added, and possibly ones you've altered. These files are needed for your dialogue and scenes to work properly. You may generate them using TES5Edit or the CreationKit.
- Run Once: Prevents the Quest from being reset when it starts. If a "Start Game Enabled" quest is not also flagged to "Run Once", its OnInit event will fire twice.
- For clarity, all forms of resetting including Reset() will not work when this is checked.
- Warn on alias fill failure: Not used?
- Allow Repeated Stages: If this box is checked, a journal entry will be displayed (and quest stage results run) every time SetStage is called for a particular stage number. Otherwise, SetStage has no effect after it is called the first time for any stage on a running quest.
- Type: This dropdown determines what icon is displayed next to the quest in the player's quest list. Also, quests tagged to the Miscellaneous type will appear in the Miscellaneous category, meaning only their objectives will be displayed (no quest name or summary text).
- Recompile All Papyrus Scripts: All scripts associated with this quest (including scripts on infos, scenes, and packages) are recompiled. This is a useful debugging tool.
- Export Quest Dialogue: Exports all the quest's dialogue to a file.
- The generated .txt file can be found in the main Skyrim folder.
- Export Scene Dialogue: Brings up a list of all the voice types which have scene dialogue for this quest. Selecting that voice type will export a scene script customized for that voice type.
- The generated .txt file can be found in the main Skyrim folder.
- See Export Scene Scripts
- Calculate Voice Assets: Evaluates (using the same process as the export) how many actual audio files are used by the quest. If this is larger than the Lines of Dialogue field, it means that some lines can be said by multiple voice types. If it is smaller, it means that some lines cannot be said by any voice types.
- Quest Conditions: Any conditions here are considered to apply to all dialogue in the quest. The quest conditions are checked first; only if those are true are the conditions on the infos evaluated.
- Text Display Globals: Any Global Variables that you want to use in text replacement in this quest need to be added to this list.
Language: | English • 日本語 |